05 May 2013

A little trip into spring.

“The pleasure we derive from journeys is perhaps dependent more on the mindset with which we travel than on the destination we travel to.”
― Alain de BottonThe Art of Travel

If you're even remotely interested in the philosophy of travel, I recommend Alain de Botton's book, quoted above. In fact, I recommend just about all of his books, not all of which I have read (most of them, though!), but I'll hazard a guess that I'd recommend even the ones I haven't. His writing style is enjoyable to read, and his subject matter is diverse. The Art of Travel expounds on everything from the peculiar significance and even beauty of motorway service stations and airports to the impact of art on travel and vice versa. 

I think some of the best trips can be the least fancy. This could be a special trip to the country for that must-have meal at particular far-flung restaurant, a day trip to another part of the state, or, like today, a simple walk in the back yard. No matter whether the trip involves two weeks in Europe or a stroll down the sidewalk on the street I grew up on, the difference between a good trip (or stroll) and a crap trip is one thing: the spirit of discovery.

It's absolutely, 100% possible to walk down a street I've lived on for the better part of a quarter century (give and take a few years here and there for college, or living nearby), and see something new every time. Little Peter Cottontail isn't ever going to be as exciting or awe-inspiring as the Trevi Fountain or Stonehenge, but it's the mindset that counts, and I tried to get myself into that mindset this afternoon.

We're almost a week into May, and much of the landscape is still brown in Wisconsin, although rain the last couple of days has really given the grass something to work with. It's insanely green! So while the big oak trees in the woods behind my house are only just starting to bud, homeowners are tackling insta-thick green lawns. 

Today was a gorgeous day, so rather than dwelling on the as-yet mostly-leafless trees, I thought I would take a trip into my own back yard to see just what was happening. Spring has finally sprung.

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Days to Edinburgh Move-In: 125

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