20 November 2013

art on the street

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Finally got these up! Apologies for the delay... street art in Old Town, an ever-changing sprawl! There were some changes since the last time I had walked by, but it was colorful and exciting!

As for me, I'm in the throes of essay writing, so work has become more strenuous even as classes near their endpoint. Hard to believe is almost the holiday break already! The postgraduate schedule is slightly more freeform than I'm used to! ;)

Kate x


  1. Love street art! So cool.

    xo Lisa | Making Life's Lemons {soon to be c/oMKE}

  2. ahh the cocheted yarn bombing which was on this street seems to have been removed http://fatblackcatjournal.wordpress.com/2013/10/14/this-land-is-our-land/
    tried to comment before (I've come via your mom's blog) the 16 asprin to a packet was a change made a couple of years ago which astonishingly cut the number of suicide attempts significantly!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! -- No signs of yarn this time around. :( Pretty cool bit, though, from your post! Of course I always think that's part of the fun, that it keeps changing all the time! Perhaps it's time for another fiber addition... ;)

