11 Things About Me
Questions from Lisaaaaaa
11 Questions for 11 Lovely Bloggers
1 // What is your favorite rainy day pastime?
2 // You're only allowed to read one book ever again; what would that book be and why?
3 // What is the silliest anecdote from your travels that you can remember?
4 // Breakfast, lunch, or dinner -- and why?
5 // If you could have dinner with any person, living or dead, who would it be and why?
6 // Do you have any hobbies? A favorite?
7 // Where/when are you the happiest? (I loved this question; had to forward it along.)
8 // Are you a pattern-wearer or a color-blocker, or both? And what's your current outfit of choice?
9 // What is your favorite big city?
10 // A biopic is being made of your life. Who stars in the role of you?
11 // Beer or wine? (And everything's fine.) Favorites?
I Do Declare: 11 Lovelies I Nominate
1. World in Words - Delia Monk's world travels and stunning photography
2. Club Narwhal - Amy's food, books, and travel blog... hellooo. ;)
3. Erstwhile felicity - Sonia's style, food, photography... <3
4. Lark and Lace - pretty photography and style.
5. Sara Loves Portland - obviously <3 Portland rules.
6. A Golden State of Mind - California lifestyle blog by the lovely Courtney
7. Helena La Petite - photographer based in London
8. Edinburgh Etiquette - lifestyle blog, Edinburgh style -- of course! ;)
9. Scotland in the Gloaming - photography of Scotland... at twilight.
10. Ireland in Ruins - exactly that, ruins in Ireland. Travel bug, anyone?
11. Traveling Cats - cats from around the world. I couldn't help myself!
Please do these great bloggers (and yourself) a favor and check out their wonderful blogs. I tried to include a little bit of everything -- my interests vary broadly, and so does the content of a lot of these blogs. They're all worth a gander -- and a follow! Days to Edinburgh move-in: 8