23 June 2013

A little of this, a little of that

My attention has been pulled in various directions today--my first proper nothing-needs-doing day off in weeks--starting with a lovely little message in my Edinburgh mailbox about setting up my student email and welcome booklets! Nothing gets me more amped than reading about the logistics and the practicalities of life in a new city. I know, I know, it sounds like it should be the opposite, right? Finding out where the closest grocery stores are, how to open a bank account, what the most affordable public transportation is, who will meet me at the airport and so on... it's all rather boring in and of itself. But when you're talking something like Edinburgh (or throw in anywhere from San Francisco to Tokyo to the two two hours away from you that you've always wanted to live in), even the little things sound like great fun.

At least to me. ;)

My youngest sister made from-scratch pancakes for my mom and I this morning, meanwhile discussing other logistics and practicalities -- the kind pertaining to camping in less than a week! So looking forward to my sibling road trip to Montana. We leave next Saturday!

And then, to top it off, after a quick trip to the store for dinner items and things like Off Deep Woods bug spray, I got home and popped in a CD I've been listening to constantly for the last couple of days. An odd choice, but so it is: Ralph Vaughan Williams' The Wasps performed by The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. One of my favorite classical tunes is "Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis" and second up is "The Lark Ascending." Kind of chill-yet-exciting classical stuff, very English, and just what I happen to be into today.

And on an English note, my other purchase of note from yesterday:

Great Houses of London by James Stourton, photographed by Fritz von der Schulenburg, and published by Frances Lincoln. It's an amazing, gorgeous book. It's no secret I'm a self-proclaimed Anglophile (it just happened), and although I don't usually find it necessary to own architecture and interior photography books (I love to look at them, but usually can't justify their cost) this one just drew me in. I just wanted to be in every single image. I want to visit all of these houses. I want to be in London right. now.

I want to be a lot of places right now, it seems. It's this summer, the weather, the plans and determination to go somewhere very soon. It all adds up. I've got the travel bug, full force! And of course I can't wait to share all that comes next.

Days to Edinburgh move-in: 76

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