As of Tuesday, my stay in Edinburgh will be 1/3 finished. Ironically, I'm sitting in my parents' living room in freezing, snow-covered northeast Wisconsin while I write this, but it's amazing how fast time has flown. Everything seems the same here and yet there are small differences, other than the obvious fact that it was summer when I left and it's really, truly winter now. Houses that were being built when I left are now complete with cars in the driveways and lights in the windows. A business has closed down here, another one opened there. My pregnant sister actually looks pregnant (she's due in a week!)... and my parents installed French doors in their living room. Four months can seem like a really long time, and no time at all. In fact, in the grand scheme of things, it feels like a couple of weeks.
But I also already know that I've settled in Edinburgh and will enjoy going back in a week or so. Classes will begin again and I'll be busy-busy-busy. There's still a lot to look forward to, not least being visits from one sister and my parents in the spring.
But in the meantime, it sure feels good to be home. Even if it is a million degrees below zero! Gotta love Wisconsin. The Green Bay Packers (woohoo!) are playing the San Francisco 49ers in the first NFL Playoff game this afternoon, so my dad's in the process of baking a gametime pumpkin pie, and we'll be ordering in pizza and drinking Coronas while watching it on a gigantic screen. Last night we went out for hibachi at a local much-loved place and a table full of 49ers sat next to us. We didn't get any pictures (I felt that was a betrayal of my Packers love), but we did manage a mutual shrimp-tail fling from table to table, thanks to our cheeky chefs. It got the weekend off to a good start.
So, on that note, GO PACK GO!!
Kate xx
I really enjoyed going home too but it is weird seeing changes and not being there for the process!
ReplyDeleteIt really is strange to visit home after being far away, especially for an extended period of time. Having done it before, I know what to expect and i've learned it's easier to just go with the flow, but... it's surreal in a way to see how life continues at a normal pace even when you're not there! ;)
Welcome home! Hope you're week is very relaxing!
ReplyDeleteLisa | c/oMKE
Thank you! It's so good to be home. So far, zeeeroooo complaints. :)