Haha. It's been a little while, but I've finally managed to get through the photos of Edinburgh Castle that I took during the weekend of St. Andrew's Day when Historic Scotland opened a number of its major destinations free for the day. Still had to secure one of a limited number of tickets, but it was totally worth it to not have to pay the (to my mind) ridiculous cost to get in. Not to mention they always charge you more for coffee and things once you're in!
Anyway. Let's rewind and not be so cynical. It was a gorgeous visit. You get an idea of what the light is like here right now... the photo above was taken around 10am and the sun is very low in the sky. The truth is, the sun stays really low in the sky all day, and sets around 3:30. It makes for some pretty contrasty photos, which is my only real complaint about it on this day in particular! Otherwise it was gorgeous and clear so therefore faaaabulous for view-from-the-castle shots!! I think I took far more of those than I did of the castle itself.
Edinburgh Castle is a working military garrison, but it also houses a couple of small museums and memorials as well as the Great Hall, the royal chambers and St. Margaret's Chapel, which is the oldest building in the castle, built in the 12th century. Of course it abounds with cafes and souvenir shops as well, but you can hardly avoid those.
Anyway. It was so nice to finally visit the place, because since it's literally only a block away, I had no real excuse for not getting there until now, other than the cost... But I'll be honest, of course I would have paid to go see it anyway. Ya just gotta, y'know?
In other news, the term is officially over. I've still got an essay to work on over the break (and would be smart to work on another additionally, but I'm not feeling too smart right now apparently), but it's so very nice to not have to go to class or meetings or seminars right now. I'm headed to London in just a little less than a week, and shortly after that... it's homeward bound to Wisconsin for about a week and a half! Looking forward to seeing some loved ones and hugging my cat and going to a coffee shop where the baristas and half the customers know my name. OH and of course my very pregnant sister, whose little bun I'm hoping will arrive while I'm home. Here's to little niece or nephew arriving a few days early!
So much to look forward to!
Anyway. I've been sucked helplessly into the thrall of season three of Game of Thrones, which I'm only finally catching up on. Drinking a ton of tea, enjoying some free time, hanging out in coffee shops, and actually hoping a little bit of snow will come eventually. I mean, did I just say that? I see all the Christmas decorations, but it was 52 degrees here today. What do you make of that, Wisconsin?
Edinburgh Christmas from the castle:
And a really wonderful video that's been making the rounds here in town, of Edinburgh Christmas and the Star Flyer that I seriously have to get on soon:
Floating over Edinburgh from Mo Thomson on Vimeo.
Kate x
That really is some great lighting. I don't think I would ever tire of that view!
ReplyDeleteLisa | c/oMKE
Oooh, it really would be fun if you got to meet your niece or nephew over break!
ReplyDeleteIsn't it funny that it took you so long to see the nearest landmark. It always happens like just know it's an "of course" thing so you end up putting it off. I'm silly about paying the big fees too. I insisted on walking up the Eiffel Tower stairs cause I couldn't justify paying so much for an elevator ride. haha, I'm sure it wasn't even that much...
I always like looking through your photos. Get to live a little bit through your eyes. :) Wow, the semester flew by didn't it?!
Have a great time in London and back home! xo