09 April 2014

And so...

I think the time has finally come. The blog... at least this incarnation, has reached its final destination. I am so happy to have been able to share my experiences pre- and post- move to Edinburgh in the last year and the blog has been an incredible learning experience. And I haven't given up blogging! It's simply that I've moved on to a new project with a somewhat different scope, more in line with my current (and future) interests.

I urge you to check it out: http://young-space.com/ ...it's all about art and why I love it! And stuff.. by emerging artists! It's very, very new and verrrry much a work in progress, but that's part of the fun. These online spaces are always works in progress, aren't they?

Thank you so much for reading the last several months! I've enjoyed every bit of this process and 'met' so many wonderful people through this blog! I'm so grateful to have been able to find so many other fantastic blogs.

Also, my love for Edinburgh has only grown, which you can continue to find consistently on Instagram (http://instagram.com/lovenotwarhol) and also on Twitter (http://twitter.com/lovenotwarhol)

Kate xx